Why CIM?
Church Insurance Management, with offices located in St Louis and Chesterfield Missouri, is here to be your advocate to the insurance world. We are here to help Missouri and Illinois Churches find the best insurance protection and risk management solutions. If you’re not sure where to start or you are looking to get better coverage, you’ve found the right place. You can get insurance advice or a quote by filling out our forms or you can
Call us at 636-537-5086 or toll free 1-800-388-2478..
We are a church-focused agency inside the Charles L. Crane Agency, the oldest independent insurance agency west of the Mississippi. The Crane agency has operated and expanded continuously since 1885 and has been providing a wide range of commercial insurance to businesses across the nation.
Team of Professionals

Ed Politte
With more than 26 years in the insurance industry, Ed has been helping clients find the right insurance coverage at the best premium bringing them the best value. Ed has extensive experience with many types of businesses including churches, Fire Protection Districts and contractors and would love to help your church or business find the best value in the insurance industry

Our Amazing Staff
Crane’s support staff includes over 250 Employees, including many Certified Insurance Counselors, Certified Insurance Service Representatives, and Certified Risk Managers, utilizing the latest technology and offering all types of coverage in all 50 states.
With our combined expertise, we can deliver the right policies to you. For all of our clients, from large companies to individuals, we find solutions for every need, delivered with personalized service.

Church Management works with churches all over the St. Louis region, as well as many churches nationwide. We have a commitment to providing honest services, with the integrity and professionalism that your church deserves. Churches all over the nation choose Church Insurance Management and the Crane Agency because we provide:
What We Provide
Here is a list of the types of church activities and categories that we provide insurance policies and coverage for.
Church Insurance Management Is Different Than Other Brokers
CIM represents the top church insurance carriers, bringing you the best options, all from one broker. No more shopping with several brokers. We will bring you the best markets and have them competing to earn your business.
We work for you
We serve as your partner and your advocate. We work with you every step of the way to detail your needs. We call on our support staff, unsurpassed in their knowledge, commitment, and their drive to find the best combination of coverage and price. We explain the unfamiliar, work with you to analyze competing proposals from multiple insurance carriers, and help you make the right decision. Should you experience an claim, we help you achieve the best possible resolution.
We have access to every major insurance carrier
Our duty is to you. After reviewing your insurance needs with you, we look to place your business with a carrier. Crane has developed close relationships with most of the major carriers, working with several for more than 100 years. Many of these insurance companies have awarded Crane their highest level of distinction, giving Crane access to more coverage options and more competitive rates. Crane then passes these advantages on to you. We hold a unique position to match your needs with the insurers that best understand your business.
We find the best solutions for you
There are many insurance companies with different approaches to coverage and pricing. Identifying the right insurers for you is the key responsibility of Crane’s Marketing and Research Department. Crane’s specialists are in the insurance markets every day, talking to carriers and monitoring prices and programs. We work closely with Crane to identify the best available insurers for the risks associated with your business or personal needs.